Nerdwax FogBlock - 3pk
Ixnay the Og-fay
The Nerdwax FogBlock is a reusable coated microfiber cloth that keeps your lenses fog free.
Simply breathe on your lenses to fog them, then wipe evenly with cloth... boom! You are now UnFogettable.
- Buy 3 and Save - 1 for work, 1 for home, and 1 for a friend!
- Safe to use on all types of lenses and coatings including AR coatings*.
- Stays effective for 1 year or 300 applications when kept in pouch. Does not contain PFA's, CMIT or MIT.
* we've heard from some users that it does not work as well on Crizal lenses
Nerdwax FogBlock - 3pk
Nerdwax FogBlock - 3pk
Ixnay the Og-fay
The Nerdwax FogBlock is a reusable coated microfiber cloth that keeps your lenses fog free.
Simply breathe on your lenses to fog them, then wipe evenly with cloth... boom! You are now UnFogettable.
- Buy 3 and Save - 1 for work, 1 for home, and 1 for a friend!
- Safe to use on all types of lenses and coatings including AR coatings*.
- Stays effective for 1 year or 300 applications when kept in pouch. Does not contain PFA's, CMIT or MIT.
* we've heard from some users that it does not work as well on Crizal lenses
Ever since I was told about Fog block in 2019 I have carried a cloth with me 99% of the time. It helps keep my glasses fog free during surgery. 10/10 would recommend.
These work so well! I coach swim in the early morning and after getting out in the cold my glasses stay pretty clear. 10/10 recommend
Was a great stocking stuffer.
Also ordered some Jinkies
This did not help my glasses to not fog.
Hey there - So sorry to hear the FogBlock hasn't worked well for you yet! Have you checked out the application tips section of the site? (https://nerdwax.com/pages/faqs-2). Most issues are solved with proper application. If it's still not working for you though just shoot us a message and we'll do our best to make it right!
I have never found a cloth that cleans my classes as good as this!! No streaks at all! Doesn’t take forever and repeated swipes followed by holding them up to the light and doing it again. These cloths are amazing!! I’ll never use anything else!