that will have you saying "Why didn't I think of that?"
“I’m not gonna lie. I was skeptical. I was worried it would make a huge mess and be sticky and gross. But dude!! It’s amazing. I absolutely love this stuff!! Why are you still reading this review?! GO ORDER IT NOW!!! ”
“This is such a good quality cloth. It is thick and does a fantastic job cleaning our glasses. The cloth they give you at the optometrist doesn't compare. I've purchased microfiber cleaning cloths from Walmart and they are a joke compared to this. It's like the difference between Reese's peanut butter cups and knock off chocolate from the dollar store. Spend the money, get the cloth, you can thank me later.”
Secretly Nerdy Cloth - Julie Jones
“I've been using the Nerdwax stick for about a year now, and I've loved it, so I thought I'd give this a try and boy was it worth it. I am continually cleaning my glasses with a microfiber cloth throughout the day, yet they still stay smudged and dusty. As soon as I put my glasses on after applying this solution, I was in awe. I haven't seen the world so clearly in a very long time. Living with glasses is hard, but this company's products make it quite a bit easier! ”
MAGIC DROPS - Cooper Freedle
“I can't believe this works! I'm a nurse so I sweat in a mask all day and this makes a noticeable difference in my fogging. No mess, reusable, can't beat it! Highly recommend! ”
FOGBLOCK - Jessica Fitzgerrald
“All your products suck and I hate everything about them. Come to think of it the only thing I really enjoy in life is leaving mean comments... that I love more than anything in the world.”
EVERYTHING - @h8raid_boi.2000&H8
Nerdwax works by creating a layer of friction between your glasses and your skin. It's kinda like the wax surfer's use on their boards to make them extra grippy... except that we formulated ours specifically for use on your glasses!
We pride ourselves in our commitment to using only the best All-Natural, Cosmetic Grade Ingredients. So you don't have to worry about clogged pores or breakouts.
Our time tested formula is made from three simple ingredients: Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Gum Rosin
We use Certified Organic and Sustainably Sourced products whenever possible.
WARNING: Do not use if you experience allergic reactions to Band-aids, Medical or Fashion tape.
It doesn't matter what type of glasses you have... as long as they fit properly nerdwax will keep them in place!
It's also super easy to apply: Simply rub nerdwax on the nose pads of your favorite specs or sunnies and enjoy slip free bliss.
Nerdwax was launched on Kickstarter back in April of 2014.
Thanks to our Backers, we hit our $5K goal before lunch on the first day!
By the end of our campaign we had raised over $61k
from 2,839 Backers all over the world.
We can't say thank you enough to all the family, friends, and complete strangers
who were so generous in helping us take our crazy idea and make it a reality!
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